14th Feb 2025
- Added Large stump, large rock, meteorite, tea bush, truffle, mystic tree, green rain trees
- Added seasonal versions to most trees and grass
- Added better grass rendering, not ideal but nicer what it was before
- Added furniture! It's currently only available from the right click context menu until I figure out how to fit a new menu to the header. This is first part of allowing proper interior planning as well.
- Renamed ranching layout to Meadowlands to avoid confusion
17th July 2024
- Finally finalized the first part of user login which has been half-done for a year already. It is now possible to login with Patreon and remove the ads if you are in a supporter tier. There will be more stuff coming for the user login later
25th April 2024
- Found the performance issue, it's caused by hardware acceleration not being turned on. Please do so in your browser settings. I've also added a automatic alert guiding users to do so if the planner detects low FPS
- Fixed mass eraser tool not removing trees and buildings properly
22th April 2024
- Fixed eraser not working properly with new flooring logic
21th April 2024
- Made it possible to place craftables & fences on-top of paths and floor
20th April 2024
- Ginger island layout
- Farmhouse + two upgrades + cellar (still missing renovations)
14th April 2024
- Crops are now rendered in their ready state to be visibly more clear what is what
- Added mushroom tree
- Added some parameters to the planner which should increase performance
- Added low performance option to the planner to try to find ways to make it less laggy for people
- Added option to hide the Feedback button as it gets in the way on some plans
9th April 2024
V3 planner released to be the main planner
6th April 2024
- Slowly getting ready for releasing the planner for general public (hence the welcoming message)
- Gates! I know they don't render right, but they are there. Some point in the future they'll be placable over fences as well, right now you have to manually remove the fence first
- Added save game importing to v3. Not entirely tested, if there are issues, please send me your save game file and the planner URL (you can find my email from the contacts section)
2nd April 2024
- Paths are now using accessibility restriction check, even though this allows placing them on water?, it's still more correct than before
- Added pet bowls
- Fixed junimo hut size
- Added some of the other missing v1.6 crops and craftables like big chests
- Added blue grass (proper grass rendering is in progress)
29th March 2024
- Added right click context menu with recently used items and global item search for faster access
- Did some performance fixes, hopefully solving the planner lagging for some people. If you still encounter problems please email me directly to help me debug this issue
- Greenhouse and Farm house should no longer re-appear
- Farm house is now movable
- Ranching farm layout now has restriction layers and seasons
- Added option menu items to visually show tillable and buildable space for easier planning
- Paths now follow building restrictions
19th March 2024
- Added new ranching farm layout. Credits to @TheLimeyDragon from Stardew Valley discord for providing the image
1st March 2024
- Crop menus that have less items are now smaller
- Added mahogany tree and tea bush
28th Feb 2024
- Added "Allow placing anywhere" option which will disable restriction checking
- Options and Seasons menu can now be opened with a click as well, aiming to make them usable on mobile
- Fixed junimo hut highlight
27th Feb 2024
- regular trees can now be correctly placed next to other items again
- Shed and other small layouts are now fully usable
- Hoedirt is now correctly removed from under crops when using undo
- Added freemode brush from v2
- Opening menus no longer reset the brush
- Fixed ghost sprite being behind other objects while not placed yet
- Trees are now using accessible restriction layer check (not entirely sure this is the correct layer)
24th Feb 2024
- Undo now correctly removes highlights
- Added border to highlights to make it more visually clear
- highlight options are now correctly saved and loaded within saves
23th Feb 2024
- House, greenhouse and shipping bin locations are now correctly buildable on all official maps
- As house location is now available, you can erase default house and put down upgraded versions
- Maple, Pine & Oak trees can now correctly be placed next to each other
17th Feb 2024
- Start of changelog. v3 has been in development for around 3 years at this point.